Mouse preamplifiers for the 4-channel system come in multiple configurations:
- 8406-1Bio1Ox: 1 Biosensor/1 Oxygen Sensor
- 8406-2BIO: 2 Biosensor
- 8406-SL: 2 EEG/1 EMG/1 Biosensor for Sleep
- 8406-SL-AXL: 2 EEG/1 EMG/1 Accelerometer for Sleep
- 8406-SE: 2 EEG/1 EMG/1 Biosensor for Seizure
- 8406-SE-10: 2 EEG/1 EMG/1 Biosensor for Seizure with x10 gain
- 8406-SE-AXL: 2 EEG/1 EMG/1 Accelerometer for Seizure
- 8406-SE3: 3 EEG/1 Biosensor for Seizure
- 8406-SE3-10: 3 EEG/1 Biosensor for Seizure with x10 gain
- 8406-SE3-AXL: 3 EEG/1 Accelerometer for Seizure
- 8406-SE31M: 3 EEG/1 EMG for Seizure
- 8406-SE31M-10: 3 EEG/1 EMG for Seizure with x10 gain
- 8406-SE4: 4 EEG for Seizure
- 8406-SE4-10: 4 EEG for Seizure with x10 gain
- 8406-5SL: 2 EEG/1 EMG/2 Biosensor for Sleep
- 8406-5SE: 2 EEG/1 EMG/2 Biosensor for Seizure
- 8406-5SE3: 3 EEG/2 Biosensor for Seizure
The SL configurations have EEG channels with 0.5 Hz high-pass filters; the other configurations have EEG channels with 1.0 Hz high-pass filters.